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оthe game is cool, the atmosphere is super 

when this game is going to be available for MacBook?

I really want to play it...

This is a really good game, maybe, the best game in all these 3 months, when I finished this game, I felt something inside me, something that I had not felt in later games, I hope that the following stories have the same quality of this one. 10/10.

Thanks for the Panic attack this game has become my new #1 most scary game from personal relatability alone overall good game 10/10

this was very interesting but i enjoyed the game very much no matter how dark it was 


This game left me speechless! Incredible story and a dark story. Incredible game!

TW : Domestic Violence


This is the most heartbreaking horror game I've played on here...I hope my commentary did it justice..

(3 edits)

Looking forward to your new game!! I played this game before the Chinese version came out and I translated it myself. Here is a link to my game video →打开红面先生的礼物盒,乖小孩需要面对的残酷真相是什么?_Bad Parenting_獨立遊戲_自製翻譯_单机游戏热门视频 (


Incredible game! Heads up it is sad AF

Buen juego, historia dura y atrapante, lo que me gusta es el que SI O SI debas acabar el juego para entender el escenario de los padres al pasar el portal. Lo recomiendo: SI


Traumatising game of the year! GREAT STORY OVERALL!

(3 edits)

This comment contains spoilers, if you haven't played the game yet, don't read it!

I found the ending a bit disappointing, it kind of made no sense that I saw myself dead, like? There could have been another climax, for example:my mother would have been killed, or another family member, and I would be trying to forget it through hallucinations, I believe that seeing myself dead took the reality out of the game, if you could making another version where this change is made would be great!

Hands down one of my favorite games. Here's my reaction lmk how I did! 

hands down the saddest horror game ive ever played.


Me ha gustado. Y los gráficos me encantan. Felicidades por el trabajo!!!


cried fr


this was the best game ive ever played. id do so much just to play it again for the first time, for it to be wiped from my memory and i can play it again as many times as i want feeling the same shock i felt after knowing what all happened. Please to whoever made this, make a story about the other kids cause i might know about the other ones. The one in the hole probably died to suffocation or being buried, the one in the fire got in a house fire or just burned to death somewhere else, and the one in the car is pretty self explanatory.


Best free game out there to my knowledge. The first part is top noth world building, after that it gets so damn distressing. Even tho I whould consider myself hard to scare after Consuming hundreds of pieces of horror media (Games, Movies, etc.) this genuinely sent shivers down my spine and gave me shortness of breath. The last part, the plottwist, was in part very predictable allthough it didnt take away from how tremoundously shocking it was and how every single moment from the game played into it. 10/10 an emotionally rollercoaster. Whould pay money for part 2


Wonderful game for half hour, I recommend this game for everyone!

can you guys make 32 bit version pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeee


Amazing game. amazing history, the graphics look so good, i love it 

triste la verdad es ahora y continuo pensando

does anyone not see that it was made in 2002?!?!


Such a sad game that represents what many children go through. Crazy twist, almost cried what the flip.

Amazing game. Visually stunning and with a breathtaking story. Do the world a favor and keep making games, please.

when i saw the scene of the father killing ron it reminded me of the same thing my mom did when it was my 10th bday (im ok now) for the rest the game is amazing

What a surprise this game was!

Don't let the graphics fool you. Great story and twist.

Ця гра має настільки глибокий лор, що ти на початку гри навіть не розумієш що взагалі твориться. Якщо ви шукаєте гру котра буде вас дивувати з кожною хвилиною. То ця гра ідеал!

love the game so good keep up the good work

(1 edit)

Absolutely loved it, dark AF and I had a blast doing random voices for it 🖤

(4 edits)

One of the best indie horror game i've played. Thanks a lot!
French gameplay here:


Yo that was one of the best frickin horror games i have ever played. oh my god i am going crazy for chapter 2 and i really really really really wanna play chapter 2 when it comes out omg fire fire fire fire


honestly for a little game, this is very well done.  low quality graphics are obviously a choice, but it allows you to put alot more time into a story, and other factors that make a good game when compared to some other small horror games.


Por favor no vuelvas a desarrollar un juego en tu vida hermano, el puto trauma que tengo ahora mismo no es descriptible con palabras simples, sinceramente no solamente no creo dormir esta noche, si no desde esta noche hasta los 100 años de vida, por tu puta culpa ahora mismo en el closet que tengo en mi habitación veo un niño muerto con 14 días de fallecer, te lo ruego, pero de verdad te lo ruego que si vas a desarrollar otro juego avisa desde antes la follada sin condón que te da el trauma al finalizar


Pinche chamaco pendejo eres, ¿para que lo juegas si sabes que es de terror?

It's a special game, and one of the best I've played on Itch.Io



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